Thursday, April 23, 2009

Three of Wands (Inverted)

The Three of Wands symbolizes new possibilities. Although we have realize a dream, we become aware that there is even farther to travel. Exciting new opportunities, of which we may not previously have been aware, are now opening up and we are ready to continue what was set in motion with the Ace. A fresh momentum is being generated and we feel motivated to launch into the task at hand. This card represents the strength and determination that are needed to persevere with our goals. It indicates that we must remain focused. The Three of Wands is an excellent indication of a favorable outcome and suggests that the time is ripe to promote ourselves and allow our talents to shine.

Beautiful, only my card is inverted. I have been drawing inverted cards lately. It looks like I need to stretch some bones to get my fortune into its proper form.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is a symbol of intelligence, self-reliance, determination, and willpower. She is a woman who can bear life's trials and tribulations without complaint and shows great courage in adversity.

Whew... it's nice to know that. Drawing this card today assures me I can bear it all, financial troubles have been cast unto me, work problems are also pressing but still all looks good and promise a yet another sunny day.

I pray today that God will shower me courage, patience and strength to face bad days.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ten of Swords (Inverted)

It's inverted so I would just interpret it as it's coming...

The Ten of Swords suggests that one phase of my life is concluding and another will soon be beginning. There is a sense of inevitability, even if the change has been forced upon me.

Uhm... I wonder what could that be...

Let's see, I'll keep you guys posted.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Hierophant

My card today is very interesting. The last few days I have been considering a lot of career/business options available for me and I have been in two minds on whether I'll stay on the path I've known so well, or get into something new and exciting. I think now somehow I know what I want to do, just need a time to do it. :)

Drawing this card means that I am ready to experience life in a different way. It is time to turn your attention to spiritual matters and find the real meaning and purpose of your life, as you search for a deeper understanding of where you fit into the scheme of things. Becoming more spiritually aware will enable you to progress further while at the same time affording you greater peace of mind.

I just looove my card today. Maybe, I can ask my bestfriend Johanna to help me find the deeper purpose of my life.

See yah!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Seven of Pentacles

Yes I know yesterday I wrote that I already found or decided on what path to take. But my card today doesn't say so.


Choosing the Seven of Pentacles indicates that it is time to take stock. I maybe in two minds about whether to abandon what I have been doing and try something completely new. The circumstances may look challenging at the moment, but I should not be discouraged by the present setbacks. The message of this card is "Don't give up," because persistence will be worthwhile and will bring me the rewards I deserve. The Seven of Pentacles often marks a period of frustration when you are not sure exactly where to channel your energies. However as long as I keep my focus and maintain my commitment, it indicates that I will eventually see my plans materialize.

True to its words. I need to decide now, today, at this moment. My card assures me that everything will be all right. Just keep the faith going and I'll be there sooner or later.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Chariot

The Chariot indicates that I have the energy to pursue a desired goal and fight for what is important to me. I maybe locked in a struggle or have a conflict of interests that cannot easily resolve, but this card indicates that I have the belief in myself to find potential solutions.

Just when I woke up this morning I thought of going back to what I have been doing a few years back, I thought I could make more money faster because I'm accustomed to doing that even with my eyes closed. :D It's been hanging in my head for a few days now and just this morning I took more consideration of it since I wanted more shopping money lately. But then I thought of this other prospect where I am not trained, will take longer before or should I say I'm not sure whether I will see it money or not. Although, I admit I'm excited and fascinated about this new business prospect I have been thinking for a week now.

The card also indicates that I will need to be disciplined in my approach to difficulties and stay in tuned with my inner wisdom, otherwise I could act in a more forceful manner simply to get my own way.

Jeez, I think I already found a resolution!

Until tomorrow.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Six of Cups (Inverted)

The Six of Cups indicates a move away from stressful situation and the end of an anxious phase. That it is now possible to overcome any obstacles and passed into a more relaxed state of mind, although it will take time to fully resolved.

But since my card today is inverted, it means the opposite or it is yet to come.

I think I'll bet on the "yet-to-come". :-)

The Six of Cups also symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle, as long as we are able to accept the past and the way which events have transpired. Which I think I'm in this process already, much have happened in my past and I hate most of those things. So today of "letting go" or some other day will work as well.